The expression “Blind Love” is especially true for women suffering from emotional violence from a partner with narcissistic personality traits. That keeps them from an immediate breakdown? We have collected 4 varieties of self -deception that women are engaged.

Many victims of abuse deny the presence of a problem, preferring pleasant memories of the moments when the partner showed participation, care and sympathy. They deceive themselves to maintain the illusion of healthy relationships, and do harm to themselves.

These women cannot free themselves from dreams about what relations should have been. The ideal picture is based on the early period of acquaintance, when the partner manipulated them, throwing a passion, heated by the “hormones of love” by them, boiling with manifestations of love.

Here are the four varieties of self-deception that women who suffer from manipulations and emotional violence from a partner-nartzissa.

1. “If I can show him how much I love, he will change”

At heart, you believe that all vices and disadvantages of character can be healed by unconditional, unshakable love. If you still cherish the hope that the relationship will be able to save, and the disadvantages of the partner are eliminated by the power of love, it’s time to think. What is really happening? You constantly fuel the narcissism of the partner with love and attention.

He does not give you a second of peace, tormenting by intrigues, deception and manipulations. He absorbs all your attention. He is like a tick, climbing under the skin and sucking health, happiness and well -being. Your unshakable love only supports his unhealthy inclinations, gradually absorbing everything healthy that is in you until it swallows you entirely.

2. “He has a difficult period in life, but soon everything will work out”

Life difficulties can lead to temporary changes in human behavior. But, if it follows the same template for a long time (a fleeting manifestation of kindness is replaced by cruelty), it is clear that the reason is not in temporary difficulties, but in deeply rooted unhealthy characteristics.

3. “In fact, he is not like. He had never been like that before “

You simply cannot get rid of the idealized image of a partner who created for yourself. In reality, he has always been the same as now.

Let’s take a look at the facts:

  • His feelings care?
  • He is worried about you if you say how hard and insulting you are after a quarrel?
  • He perceives you seriously when you say how bad you feel because of problems in relationships?

Or he is neglecting your experiences and claims that you are inventing everything?

4. “I can’t give up and throw it”

You need to understand the difference between “I give up and give up” and “enough from me”. It is time to realize that this cannot continue, and set the boundaries.

If you are one of those who are accustomed to never throwing anything, you are ready to be with a partner “in poverty and in wealth, in illness and in health”, this may be very difficult. You are true to the principles and are convinced that under no circumstances you can’t give up and give up, because it means to recognize a personal defeat.

Such beliefs prevent you from getting out of the impasse in which you got. Most likely, you always succeeded in everything, whatever you take. You set yourself goals and achieved their labor, determination and perseverance. Your motto is “if you fly, then on the moon, and if we miss, we will still find ourselves among the stars”. To save the relationship is just another goal that you set for yourself, and you will achieve it at all costs, even at the cost of your own life.

Do not let yourself be destroyed, such relationships cannot be saved. Narcissus does not want to change or “correct” relations. At heart, you understand this, but you are trying to suppress such thoughts. You see that this person is not interested in compromise solutions. He does not believe that you have two equal rights and you can find an option that satisfies the needs of both.

Or you yourself do not believe that you are worthy of equality. Maybe after many years of constant humiliation, followed by affection and care, again replaced by cruelty, you really believed in your insignificance? You can no longer imagine that the relationship can be organized so that they arrange both.

You know what to do

You cannot correct the situation, and it’s time to get rid of illusions. It is important to finally recognize the horror and hopelessness of the situation. Think about what will happen if you cannot do it. Recognize the situation as it is, stop

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trying to save her and realize how damage is caused by your life. After that, you can start the healing process.