I did not start to take Topamax until 6 months after I got sober. What that means specifically is that it helps with impulse control and so therefore helps with impulsive and compulsive eating. The other reason is that it too helps with mood stabilization. Topamax is generally prescribed for migraines but it is prescribed off label for mood stabilization and for weight loss. Because I am still taking the Seroquel and a side effect of the Seroquel is weight gain, I still take the Topamax.

how long to recover from meth

It was very important however for me to use medicines that were not addictive since I was an addict. The last thing that an addict needs is to use an addictive medicine to sober house get over an addiction. An addict does not need to resort to medicines that are addictive. First, I got into a structuredtreatment program and I stayed there for a year.

Take control of your life

Due to the damage caused by prolonged drug use (which depletes serotonin and dopamine levels), it may be a while before you can experience pleasure like you once were able to. It’s important to speak with a doctor if you’re worried about what effects quitting may have on your body. Unlike other drugs, simply lowering the dosages until withdrawal symptoms are minimized may not be an option, and quitting cold turkey can have some nasty effects. At ASIC Recovery, our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is dedicated to helping individuals develop healthier habits and build a life in long term recovery. This program is ideal for educating patients and their families, school faculty and staff, behavioral and mental health professionals, and more. Well, if the patient is undergoing treatment at a residential facility, the symptoms should improve after the first two weeks.

Without proper medical supervision, this stage may result in relapse. When you enter treatment at our long-term outpatient drug rehab, you’ll join a compassionate community dedicated to creating new, happier lives free from substance abuse. With The Edge, you’ll have every resource you need to build a life free from meth abuse. It is crucial for anyone suffering and going through the painful aftereffects of meth abuse and addiction to seek medical help. Meth is a highly addictive stimulant that requires medical supervision.

How to Detox from a Meth Addiction

However, I was very agitated from all of the meth that I had been using and was very uncomfortable in my skin. It took about a month for me to get used to this but it was worth it to me and those around me because of the extreme agitation and anxiety that I was experiencing. After taking this dosage for a year, I titrated down to 50mg for a month. The main side effect of Seroquel is weight gain however; it is relatively minor once your weight levels off after you have been sober for a while. I find that it causes a person to get the munches after taking it.

  • Ultimately, a meth addict’s chances of recovery can be significantly improved by accessing the appropriate treatment and working hard toward long-term sobriety.
  • Fatigue may set in first, followed by overwhelming feelings of depression.
  • Due to the changes in mood and energy, they may also feel intense paranoia, depression, and have suicidal thoughts.
  • Meth addiction occurs when a person finds it hard to stop taking the substance despite harmful consequences, like job loss or legal problems.
  • Remember, you’re not just paying for the drugs — you’re paying for the secondary costs of drug use, such as fines, court costs, medical expenses, or damaged/destroyed property, just to name a few.

If the recovering person in a structured treatment program the chances of relapse are greatly reduced. It is important for individuals struggling with meth addiction to seek professional help from an addiction specialist or treatment center. Treatment can help a person better understand the underlying causes of their addiction and develop skills to maintain sobriety in the long-term.

Addiction and Mental Health Resources

Methamphetamine or meth is both a recreational and prescription drug. Mostly, it is used for the recreational purpose of getting high only. Meth can be available in various forms, most commonly as crystal meth. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. A person is more likely to overdose on meth if it is mixed with other drugs, such as synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which is a cheaper drug that is often added to meth without the person’s knowledge.

  • Meth forces your brain to release dopamine, the “feel good” chemical.
  • After this, an individualized plan at an inpatient drug rehab or an outpatient drug rehab would be created to tackle all the patient’s health issues.
  • Treatment should address all aspects of your life, including your physical and mental health and your social support system.
  • The second approach has the individual practice mindful, introspective reflection to work through their thoughts and feelings to foster self-empowerment.

During the second phase in the crystal meth withdrawal timeline, withdrawal symptoms typically reach a peak three to 10 days out from the last use of the drug. An individual may experience severe depression, anxiety, or fatigue symptoms during this time as the body attempts to find equilibrium without meth. Drug cravings will be heightened during this phase, and individuals may experience muscle aches, shaking, or tremors. During this time, it is essential to have a support system in place to help you through the difficult symptoms. The first few days after quitting meth are often the hardest, as your body adjusts to the absence of the drug. Cravings are often intense during this time, and it can be tempting to give in and use again.

Causes of Meth Addiction

Older, more dependent patients who had been using methamphetamine longer had a more severe withdrawal course. If you have a less severe addiction and a strong support system in place, then outpatient rehab may be appropriate. Outpatient treatment typically involves attending therapy sessions and meetings several times per week, and it allows you to continue living at home and meeting your everyday responsibilities.

  • Along the same lines, once methamphetamine is taken, it is very hard to stop further use.
  • The good news is that today, my friends and family will tell you that I once again am the person that they knew before I started using methamphetamines.
  • Methamphetamine withdrawal is a slow, difficult, but enormously valuable process that may last several days or weeks.
  • By the six-month benchmark, people have transitioned from learning new skills to sustain sobriety to knowing the signs of relapse, maintaining a new lifestyle and identifying new areas of interest.
  • With the added help of a support system (family, friends, others in recovery) and addiction treatment, recovery can become more of a reality than a far-off wish or dream.